December 18, 2011

The Reinvention of Moxie Roosevelt by Elizabeth Cody Kimmel

On her first day of boarding school, a thirteen-year-old girl who feels boring and invisible decides to change her personality to match her unusual name.


  1. What i liked about this book is Moxie's different personalities. I got to say that DUCKI was my favorite personality. My favorite character in the book was Spinky. I really liked the ending of the book. I recommend the book to people that want to read a unique story.

    1. I agree with you! My favorite charater was also Spinky! Although I did also love heaven. DUCKI was not my favorite personality though MEG was probably my favorite. I also would recommend this book to anyone that would want a cool and unique story to read.

  2. When I first had a look at this book, I thought it would be horribly bad. I only read it because I knew it would be a quick read. It turned out that I actually really liked it.Moxie wants to have a unique personality. Out of 5 stars, I rate it a 4. I really recommmend this book to readers.

  3. Truthfully, in the beggining of this book I didn't expect to like it. It wasn't one of my favorites, but it was very enjoyable. I would recommend this book to anyone because it is very good. The plot is very well planned out. All in all this book is very short,but enjoyable.

  4. I think this was an interesting book. My favorite part was the end because I think it was creative instead of doing it the way she was supposed to. It was a good book and I'd recommend it to a friend.

  5. I wasn't sure if I wanted to read this book at first because it didn't look that good. Turns out I was wrong. It was actually really good. I love the way she react to the things that happen to her throughout the story. I recommend this to all readers.

  6. I didn't think I would like this book, but when I started reading it, I really enjoyed it. I think the book could be boring at times, but overall, this is a unique story. Every time she changed her personality, it made me even more interested. I would recommend this book to everybody.

  7. This book was very interesting. At first I thought it looked pretty lame, but turns out I was wrong. I would reccomend this book to anyone!


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