December 17, 2011

Peeled by Joan Bauer

In an upstate New York farming community, high school reporter Hildy Biddle investigates a series of strange occurrences at a house rumored to be haunted.


  1. This book is really good and I think a lot of other people would like it.

  2. This is not a very well written book at all.

  3. I actually didnt like this book as much as I thought I would. It was a little boring to me and I knew what was going to happen halfway through the book. Out of 5 stars I would probably give it a 2. Although, I was suprised at what happened to the house. Also, the romance in it was cute.

  4. This is one of the best books I ever read. I really enjoyed it.

    1. I disagree with N1Saltalamacchia, because it is not an appealing book. To be honest I was happy to finish it because it is not a good book. Just saying.

    2. I agree with H6Hydrick. This book was not well written and i think everyone knew what was going to happen. It took me forever to finish this book because i kept putting it off. My mom told me I had to finish it or else i would be grounded. If it wasnt for that, i probably never woul have finished this book.

    3. I agree with H6Hydrick and H1Bramblett. I thought this was going to be a good book, but it was not. I didn't think I was ever going to finish this book. It was not very well written at all.

  5. I am interested in reading this book. Does anyone recommend this book?

    1. I personally think that this book is a little on the boring side. Don't get me wrong I like the author, but this book just isn't the best. The book was mostly predictable. If this book was true I would have wanted to go see the Ludlow house in person!

    2. I agree with H6Nelson. I thought this book was boring and very predictable. I didn't like this book.

    3. I agree with H6Nelson and H6Patel. this was a very boring book and I didn't think I would ever finish this book.

  6. The end of the book was very interesting.

  7. This book got very boring in the middlr after a while.

    1. I disagree with n7bird. I think the middle was ok. It wasn't the best but it wasn't bad. The beginning was boring. The end was the best.

  8. This book is very well written. If you like reading, I would definately recommend this book!

  9. I have read most of the comments on this book, and most seem to not like it as much. I would like to try this book out, but im not sure if it would be worth it. Some say it was quite boring. But some say it was interesting. Is it worth reading?

    1. Honestly, I don't think this book is worth reading, h6henson. It was kind of predictable and hard to get into. It didn't get interesting until the last 50 pages...and even then I didn't really love it. One thing I like about it though is just when you think it's over, it surprises you. That's really the only thing I enjoyed about the book.

    2. Thank you H1Finley. I just recently checked out the book. I totally agree with you. The beginning of the book doesn't really grab my attention, and it is very slow getting in to it.

  10. This is a very boring book. I felt like I would never finish it. It just keeps dragging on and on. I do not think this book was written very well at all. I would not recommend this book to anyone. I would give this book 2 stars out of 5.

  11. I didn't like this book at all. It was very boring and predictable. I thought i would like this book, but I didn't. I don't recommend this book to someone who wants to read an interesting book.

  12. I really enjoyed this book. The beginning of the book was kind of boring but it got better the in the middle and the end was good. I definitely recommend this book.

  13. I thought I would enjoy this book, but I found it to be boring and a bit slow. In terms of the characters, I loved how each of them were described. The plot was extremely slow, and I was jumping for joy when I finished! I wouldn't neccessarily reccommend this to a reader who likes a good plot or a fast-paced story.

  14. This book was not very good. It was predictable, boring, and at a weird pace. It was not at all what I thought it would be about. I only got interested toward the end. I would not recommend this book. Out of the 3 books I read in 7th Grade Sizzlers, this was by-far my least favorite.

    1. I agree totally. This was refinitrly my least favorite as well. I wouldnt recommend it to anyone. It was at a very weird pace. I disagree witht the ending hei my interesting though.

  15. I didn't like this book very much.It was very boring. I like more of a drama or adventure book. This was definitely not anything like that. It really dragged along and was hard to read because it just wasnt interesting.

    1. I agree with h1crowder, the author didn't do a good job.

  16. This book was beyond boring. I could not stay focused, at all. It is not a very well writtej book. Its so predictable. It dragged on for like ever. Id give this 3 out of 5 stars.

  17. This book was really good. It wasnt interesting in the begining but by the end i really enjoyed it. I really recomend this book to other readers who are interested in it.


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