December 19, 2011

Z. Rex by Steve Cole

From Santa Fe, New Mexico, to Edinburgh, Scotland, thirteen-year-old Adam Adlar must elude police while being hunted by a dinosaur come-to-life from a virtual reality game invented by his father, who has gone missing.


  1. This book is awesome. I did not expext what would happen at the end.

  2. Z-Rex is an amazing book. I loved how it changed so quickly from mystery to drama so quickly.

    1. Yea i know right i never seen it comeing.

  3. It's a decent book. I like the fact that Adam's point of view on the whole predicament changes very quickly in the middle.

  4. It was pretty good, it was very graphic and very original.

    1. I agree with you, I never seen a book like this before.

  5. I liked this book a lot. What you learn about the Z. rex is astonishing.

  6. This book was great , I give a 5 star rating and I am going to read the second book.

  7. The book had so many twist and turns.I was not prepared for the ending for the ending. I am going to read the next one.

    1. I was wondering if that book would be good or not. Seems like you guys really enjoyed reading the book "Z-rex." I usally dont try to read books like this because im not into the dinosaurs kinda thing.

  8. This book is a boo that leads you on. When i read it I couldnt put it down. I read it in 4 hours!

  9. I was wondering if this book would be any good or not. I guess it is according to the comments. It looked pretty good too.

  10. I honestly didn't think I was going to like the book at first. It seemed to drag on, but after a little while it got interesting. This book ended up being really good. I loved the twists and turns in it. I would suggest this novel to people who enjoy reading Science Fiction.

  11. I didnt expect the ending of this book. I mean who would believe that z ment zed.


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